Editorial Team
1) Dr. S.M. BHATT
editor@jabaas.com,drsmbhatt@gmail.com, smbhatt_biotech@iimtindia.net
Associate Professor
Biotechnology Department,
IIMT University, Meerut,
Uttar Pradesh, India 250001
Member: BRSI, ISCA, Patent awardee, Author of Best Seller Book, Concept of Animal Cell culture]
Editor: Journal of Bioremediation and Biodegradation, frontier journal of Biofuel,
Scopus Author ID: 56419442300
2) J. Adinarayana
Professor, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering (CSRE),
Indian Institute of Technology – Bombay (IITB),
Powai, Mumbai – 400 076, India.
3) Dr. Anil Kumar
Field of Specialization
Soil Science
Contact no.
Young Scientist Award (Dr. Anil Kumar)
In the National Conference “Improving income of farmers through agriculture and aquaculture through development interventions” held at ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Orissa Dr. Anil Kumar, Assistant Professor (Soil Science) conferred the “Young Scientist Award” for his contribution in the field of Soil Science. The award was presented to him by Dr. W.S. Dhillon, ADG (Horticulture), ICAR, New Delhi and Director, ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar, Orrisa.
4) Dr. Sachin Kumar
Dr. Sachin Kumar, an alumnus of IIT Roorkee and HBTU, Kanpur, has an experience in the field of biomass and bioenergy. His primary research interest is in integrated biorefinery including biogas, biohydrogen, bioethanol, lignin valorization for value-added products. He has published more than 75 papers in peer reviewed journals, book chapters and papers in conference proceedings and 9 edited books. He has one granted US patent and 3 filed Indian patents.
His achievements include recipient of 2016 ASM-IUSSTF Indo-US Research Professorship and selected as Bioenergy-Awards for Cutting Edge Research (B-ACER) Fellow 2016 by DBT and IUSSTF.
He has also secured the place among the top 2% researchers in the world based on Scopus reported by Stanford University, USA.
5) Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra
Designation Editorial Board member
Department/School/Unit Name
Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology
Phone No(s): 9415301462, 8303808106
Email: pkmishra.che@iitbhu.ac.in
Area of Interest: Bio-energy, Bio-compatible polymers, Wastewater Treatment and Membrane Separation
Click Here
6) Dr. Khushboo Chandra
Associate Editor
Assistant professor-cum- Junior Scientist
Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Bihar Agricultural University. Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar
7) Dr. Priyanka Verma
Associate Editor
Associate Professor
Department of Forensic science,
Chandigarh University,
Mohali, Punjab
8) Dr. Pankaj Saini,
Associate editor
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental science,
IIMT University,
Meerut, Pin- 250001, UP (India)
9) Dr Reetu Gour
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Professor & Head
Department of Biotechnology,
School of Biosciences,
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.
11) Dr. R.K. Balaji
Ph.D. (Entomology)
Research Associate,
Division of Germplasm Collection and Characterization,
ICAR – National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR),
P.B. No. 2491, H.A. Farm Post,
Bellary Road,
Hebbal, Bengaluru – 560 024.
Karnataka, India
E-mail: rkbalaji17@gmail.com,
12) Dr. E K Naik,
Associate Editor
Scientist (Horticulture), Citrus Research Station, Petlur, Venkatagiri (M), Tirupati (Dist.), Dr. Y S R Horticultural University, VR Gudem, Andhra Pradesh , PIN: 524132
13) Dr Kiran
Associate editor
Assistant Professor
CSK HPKV Palampur
Presently posted at HP State Agricultural Marketing Board
Shimla -2 on as OSD Projects
Himachal Pradesh
Email kiranpathania@gmail.com
14) Ms Pragati Jain
Assistant editor
Lecturer, department of forensic science, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Meerut,
Published 13 research and review papers, including three in Scopus-indexed journals, and hold a patent on nano scale tagging system. have a book chapter accepted by CRC Press ” cybersecurity forensic with AI” and actively participated in multiple workshops, webinars, and training programs related to forensic science and cyber forensics. 6 month internship at FSL Ghaziabad
Associate Editor
One-year renewable term subject to performance review.
Qualification criteria for Associate Editor Board member
- Academic rank above Assistant professor or equivalent.
- 30-50 publications in National or International peer reviewed journals.
- Expected to know the policies of the Journal and publisher, Author guidelines, Editor Guidelines and Reviewer guidelines.
Roles & Responsibilities of the Associate Editor
- Guide the Authors, Editors and Reviewers as per Journal guidelines on the website.
- Submission of high quality articles for the Journal and monitor for high quality consistency.
- Monitor uniformity of writing style, language, and presentation as per Journal’s specificity.
- Effective peer review process and timely publication.
- Ensure Journal content quality and integrity.
- Check for manuscript plagiarism and publication duplication in other Journal.
- Suggest new policies for the development of the Journal.
- Suggest eminent peer review persons.
- Take up the role of Editor-in-chief if he/she is not available.
- Assist seniors to preserve high quality Journal content.
- Promote the goodwill of the Journal to Authors, Editorial Board members, readers, and publishers.
Editorial Board Member
Two- year renewable term subject to performance review.
Criteria for Editorial Board Member
- Academic rank above Associate Professor or equivalent.
- 40-60 publications in National or International peer reviewed articles / journals.
Roles and Responsibilities of Editorial Board Member
- Encourage high quality papers submission.
- Assist the Editor-in-Chief in manuscript acceptance process.
- Assist the Editor-in-Chief and involve in the peer review process.
- Assist the Editor-in-Chief in setting annual objectives and assign responsibilities for peer review process for timely completion.
- Taking decisions and communicating with other Board members.
- Serve in the review process and ensure high quality publication in the Journal.
- Provide feedback to the contributors, Editors and Reviewers.
- Promoting new policies when introduced.
- Check for manuscript plagiarism and publication duplication in other Journal.
- Support the Editor-in-Chief in ethical issue management, complaints and appeals pertaining to the publication standards.
- Suggest new policies for the development of the Journal.
- Editor Board member should view themselves as possible candidates for being the next Editor-in-Chief.
Two-year renewable term subject to performance review.
Criteria to become Editor-in-Chief
- Academic rank above Professor or equivalent.
- 75-100 publications in National or International peer reviewed articles.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief
- The Editor-in-Chief should guarantee the quality and integrity of the Journals content.
- To educate and communicate the vision of the Journal to the authors, readers, editorial board members and publisher.
- Enhance quality and elevate the significance of published articles.
- Take whole responsibility of the Journal. Should possess extensive Editorial experience and good interpersonal skills. They should know the subject, research design, statistics, publication ethics and standards.
- Develop the Journal by encouraging quality article submission.
- Suggest further improvisations with additional policies pertaining to the Journal.
- Give Editorials on the Journal’s performance to encourage submission of quality articles.
- Select and rotate Editorial Board members, maintain Journal development, and participate in the review process.
- Creative annual objectives of peer review process and periodic publications. Assess the performance of Board members and promote deserving editors fairly. Troubleshoot areas to improve the objectives that are not achieved timely.
- Make recommendations to the Editorial office promptly regarding manuscript submission outcomes.
- The Editor-in-Chief gives the final approval to either accept or reject an article.
- Check for manuscript plagiarism and publication duplication in other Journal.
- Support the publisher in handling complaints and appeals regarding publication of any duplicate or fraudulent work.
Note: 4-5 manuscripts each year are expected to be reviewed by members. Failing this, editors will be deposed from the Editorial Board as per the Editorial policy. The Editorial office reserves the right to alter this criteria based on the Journal under consideration.
KINDLY DOWNLAOD REVIEWER FORM and send back to editor@jabaas.com after review, keep it confidential and take your time read some paper and evaluate with quality, journal style specially FIG Table References.
Peer Review Process
This journal follows double blind review method preserving the reciprocal academic appreciation, respect and impartiality between authors and reviewers.
The peer review process:
- A designated member of the editorial board will make an initial assessment about the quality and suitability of a submission in terms of scope, originality and plagiarism. This assessment it allows our qualified reviewers a better usage of their time and resources. Paper written within the guidelines regarding the structure of the paper is thus very important.
- Once the designated internal editorial board member is satisfied about the suitability of a submission, it is sent to two anonymous peer reviewers for their comment.
- The reviewer will assign marks and make comment about following six categories:
– Originality of the paper
– The value of the research question and research gap.
– The soundness of the conceptual and technical or methodological framework.
– Insightful discussion in result and discussion section
– The policy implications of the paper
– Academic writing quality.
- The decision/remarks/suggestions will be communicated to the author(s).
Data Sharing and Availability Policy
Data Sharing and Availability Policy
Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences is committed to a more open research landscape, facilitating faster and more effective research discovery by enabling reproducibility and verification of data, methodology and reporting standards.
We encourage authors of articles published in our journal to share their research data including, but not limited to: raw data, processed data, software, algorithms, protocols, methods, materials. These can be submitted as supplementary data or can be shared as per submission guidelines of Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences
Authors will have to certify that the database generated and/or analysed during their current study incorporated in their manuscripts are not publicly available due to privacy and confidentiality agreements as well as other restrictions, but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request, as per standard guidelines of ethical publication.
Policy of Conflict of Interest
For Authors:
All manuscripts for articles, including the original research data based articles, reviews, editorials, perspectives, comments and letters that are submitted to Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences. must be accompanied by a conflict of interest disclosure statement or a declaration by the authors that they do not have any conflicts of interest to declare. All articles that are published in the journal must be accompanied by this conflict of interest disclosure statement or a statement that the authors have replied that they have no conflicts of interest to declare.
To facilitate this policy, all authors must privately disclose ‘ALL their potential conflicts of interest’ to the editor of Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences . at the time of submission. Authors should also disclose any conflict of interest that may have influenced either the conduct or the presentation of the research to the editors, including but not limited to close relationships with those who might be helped or hurt by the publication, academic interests and rivalries, and any personal, religious or political convictions relevant to the topic at hand.
Type of Declaration
If you are submitting your article to Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences. make a ‘Declaration of Conflicting Interests’, please include such a declaration at the end of your manuscript, following any acknowledgments and prior to the references, under the heading ‘Conflict of Interest Statement’.
If no declaration is made, the following will be printed under this heading in your article: ‘None
Declared’. Alternatively, you may wish to state that ‘The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest’.
according to Oxford University Dictionary, plagiarism is defined as using some ones else’s ideas, words, data, or other material produced by them without acknowledgement. It is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and representing them as one’s own original work and Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences condemns all forms of plagiarism, following a very strict and vigilant policy of removing this malady. Within the academia, it is considered dishonesty or fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure.
Plagiarism can be unintentional or intentional, reproducing academic material without appropriate credit to the original authors (Citations / References). Similarly self -plagiarism is the re-use of significant, identical or near identical portions of one’s own work without citing the original work. This is also known as recycling fraud. Worst form of plagiarism is to steal the whole article from some journal and publish it under one’s own name in another journal.
Plagiarism, fabrication, unethical or redundant publication grossly violates the editorial policies of Biosc Biotech Res Comm. which follows best practice guidelines given by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as mentioned in the Instructions for Authors of Biosc Biotech Res Comm.
All authors submitting their MS to Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences must complete and sign the ethical statement form and append the Plagiarism Check Certificate of their MS along with copy-right form failing which, their MS will not be processed further.
The Editorial Committee of Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology & Applied Sciences will take appropriate action against any author found to be guilty of intentional plagiarism or exceeding the standard limits of plagiarism / similarity levels of the text matter in their MS. The name of author(s) committing plagiarism or using similar text without appropriate citations will also be disseminated to concerned authorities.
We do not tolerate plagiarism in any of our publications, and we reserve the right to check all submissions through appropriate plagiarism checking tools. Submissions containing suspected plagiarism, in whole or part, will be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered post publication, we will follow our guidance outlined in the Retractions, Corrections and Expressions of Concern section of these guidelines. We expect our readers, reviewers and editors to raise any suspicions of plagiarism, either by contacting the relevant editor or by emailing at editor@jabaas.com